The Nightmare Before the End of Term!


This episode along with the link to the escape room is available as a blog post:


The Nightmare Before the End of Term!

Nope, it’s not a movie sequel – it’s my foray into the world of creating a virtual escape room.

I have to admit, I’m a bit late to the party when it comes to escape rooms. They’ve been around a while, but I’ve never done one, either in person or virtually. I know, I need to get out more (if that’s the right expression).

This term we ran a Jisc event to share teaching ideas and one of my FE contacts at Coleg Gwent in Wales mentioned escape rooms (thanks Natalie btw!). They sounded fun and a sure-fire way of gamifying the learning experience which appealed to me.

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Looking through the (Johari) Window on Technology Use

My mother bought an iPad recently.

I know ā€“ thereā€™s nothing ground breaking about that. According toĀ recent estimates Apple have sold over 360 millionĀ since 2010.

Did I say my mother is also in her seventiesĀ andĀ that she has never really experienced the internet first-hand before? Continue reading